Book: Take Me Home, Walking on
Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life
Book: Take Me Home, Walking on
Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life

2011: Take Me Home: Walking on Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life. Wingspan Press.
2007: “Alone with Mom”: Chapter from Take Me Home: Walking on Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life. Spring edition of Creations Magazine of Long Island, NY.
2006: “Dawn Magic”: Chapter from Take Me Home: Walking on Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life. Spring edition of Creations Magazine of Long Island, NY.
2006: “The Jewelry Box”: Chapter from Take Me Home: Walking on Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life. Huntington Women’s Newsletter.
2005: The Reservation: A Comparative Study of Embodied Dream Work and Native American Dream Work. Published in Cybermagazine on Dr. Bosnak’s website, founder of the International Institute for the Study of Embodied Dream and Imagery Work.
2005: “My Garden”: Chapter from Take Me Home: Walking on Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life. Huntington Women’s Newsletter.
2004: “Face of Eternity”: Chapter from Take Me Home: Walking on Sacred Ground in the Last Stage of Life. Spring edition of Creations Magazine of Long Island, NY.
2002: Graduation Speech: published in Contact Newsletter of Gestalt Center of Long Island.
1995: “To the Homeless One”: poem published in Contact Newsletter of Gestalt Center of Long Island, N.Y.
Presentations and Conferences
2019-2020: Presented “The Wisdom of Dreams” at the Gestalt Center of Long Island.
2019: Keynote speaker at the Gestalt Spring Conference.
2016-2017: Presented “The Wisdom of Dreams” to 20 public libraries in Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
2015-2017: Led the “Drop In Meditation” monthly series at the Huntington Public Library.
2010: Care Giving, A Spiritual Journey at the Lucid Learning Center in Syosset, N.Y.
2009: Presenter at Miriam’s Well on Care Giving the Elders.
2008: Creativity and Meditation at the Women’s Center, Huntington, N.Y.
2006: Native American Ritual and Embodied Dream Work at Arbutus House in Huntington, N.Y.
2003: Key Note Speaker for the bi-annual Gestalt Training Conference.
2002: Graduation Speech for the Gestalt Center of Long Island.
Presenter at the Annual Gestalt Therapy Conference.
2001: Psychotherapy and Personality Disorders.
2000: Active Imagination and Gestalt Therapy.
1999: Alchemical Process Work and Gestalt Therapy.
1998: Alchemical Process Work: Implications for Personal and Planetary Healing.
1997: Alchemical Process Work and Gestalt Therapy.
1996: Jungian Dream Work and Gestalt Therapy.
1995: Jungian Dream Work and Gestalt Therapy.
1994: Jungian Dream Work and Gestalt Therapy.
1993: Rites of Passage: Ritual and Gestalt Therapy.
1992: Jungian Art Therapy and Gestalt Therapy.
1991: Cranio-sacral Body Work and Gestalt Therapy.
1994-1996: Presentations on Imagery and Implications for Healing for cancer patients at Huntington Hospital, N.Y.
1994: New York State Health Expo: presenter with Dr. Jay Early on Interactive Gestalt Therapy Group Process, Manhattan, N.Y.​

Workshops / Training Designed and Presented
2017-2018: Presented a 3-part series with Karyn O'Beirne on Dreams, Inner Journeys and Successful Relationships.
2012-2013: A Course on Meditation and Imagery Group.
2008: Art Therapy for Psychotherapists: training at Gestalt Center of Long Island.
2007: Techniques for ‘The Impasse’ in Psychotherapy, Huntington, N.Y.
2006: Embodied Dream and Imagery Work Training for Psychotherapists-Huntington, N.Y.
2005: Embodied Dream and Imagery Work Training for Psychotherapists, Huntington, N.Y.
Weekend Workshops with Lorie Dechar on Mythology, Ritual and Psychotherapy at Our Lady Of Grace in Roslyn, Long Island.
2001: Vasalisa the Doll of Intuition: Crafting your Doll of Intuition.
2000: Eros and Psyche: Workshop for women using this myth to explore the sensuous nature of the feminine soul.
1998: The Frog Prince: Transformation through the Encounter of the Shadow.
1998: Descent to the Goddess: Workshop for women using the Myth of Inanna.
1997: Shamanism and Gestalt Therapy: “When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and we take a step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe one of two things-There will be something solid to stand on, or we will be taught to fly.” S. Martin Edges. Workshop for Psychotherapists.
1997: The Spirit of the Valley: The nature of Feminine Sexuality.
1996: Alchemy of the Chalice: The Marriage of Sexuality and Spirit in the Feminine Psyche.​​
1998-1999: Chakra Journeys with Lorie Dechar: A Nine Month Training program for healers and psychotherapists interfacing mythology, bodywork, dream work, gestalt therapy and the ancient Hindu science of the Chakras, Huntington, N.Y.
1995: Weekend Training for Psychotherapists: Jungian Dream Work and Art Therapy, Huntington, N.Y.
1991: Weekend Training for Psychotherapists: Cranio-Sacral Body Work and Psychotherapy, Huntington, N.Y.
1985-1987: Professor of Psychology at Suffolk Community College.
1984-1986: Visual Imagery Workshops: Finding the Healer Within, Huntington, N.Y.​